DR. MARK BENECKE: WGT Diary 2022 (42/60) – Leonard Cohen? VIP member? Mos Eisley band? (2)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

By now, word has gotten around at security that I have a funny armband with “Insecurity” printed on it. More photos will therefore inevitably follow.

On the agra promenade we meet Maria, the president of the Agonoize fan club. She already has horns growing out of her forehead, and she also wears an agonoize necklace. Mark: “Did you make those yourself?” Maria: “No. Bought it myself.” Mark: “What’s the coolest thing about being chairwoman of the Agonoize fan club?” Maria: “Actually being the chairwoman of the Agonoize fan club. Being friends with the band is mega, being in contact with the fans, organizing stuff, it’s mega fun.” Mark: “Often it is a bit annoying when you want the fan club members to do something and get going. Do you have that problem as well or is this an always moving community?” Maria: “There’s a hard core that likes to participate in things, but of course it’s a bit difficult overall. But we’re hugely into it.” Mark: “You also have to say, I’m member number 999A or something…” Maria: “You are a VIP member.” Mark: “I also have an Agonoize fan club card. You guys have done fan club concerts or something like that.” Maria: “Yes, meet & greets, that fan club members can get in before the concert, meet the band.” Let’s hope Chris sprinkles hope, blood and madness into the crowd again next year!

A little later. In fact, the Pagan Village now seems so crowded that Ines refuses to watch the virgin auction. On the way back to the agra we meet the Mos Eisley band, playing the same song over and over again, suspiciously like Goths, with a wooden box as a drum as well as a plastic flute-piano contraption. (For those who don’t know, this is an internet hoax featuring the Mos Eisley band from Star Wars playing the same tune over and over). After the band has already passed us, it occurs to Ines to yell after them, “Play it again!” The band has already done that anyway. As soon as we are on the campground, the band passes us again and actually plays the song again. (Text & photos: Mark Benecke)

The next part is about the Mos Eisley band.

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Missed the beginning? No problem, here it is.