DR. MARK BENECKE: WGT Diary 2022 (44/60) – Criminal Biology? Kindergarten? Glasses? (1)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Afternoon: On the way to the still completely overcrowded Pagan Village we meet Anja, who was at my lecture on the Body Farm for her 23rd birthday. Mark: “And you were also at my lecture yesterday. There was one thing you particularly liked: “Yes, I saw little descendants of flies. That was so exciting, I have never seen anything like that in my life. You had a great picture of the body that was lying in the apartment and was so blatantly desiccated. Nobody understood why. It was funny that there were still the whiskers on it. I read that then five years ago in your book “Criminal Biology” and when I saw the picture I thought, ‘Oh wow! In color!’ That’s a huge gift because I’ve been looking for it for ages and I’m so glad I found you. I love your books!”

A little later. Ruby has been self-studying Japanese during the Corona period and finds that the trees may be blue after all. Why is that? Ruby: “Because in Japanese, blue and green used to be indistinguishable, and green hues were called “blue”.” (Text & photos: Mark Benecke)

In the next part we will continue with kindergarten and glasses.

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