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Today would be Christopher Lee ‘s 102nd birthday. If he had not died nine years ago at the age of 93, he would have been celebrating his 70th birthday.

Did you know?
– Ian Fleming – the author of “James Bond” and Lee’s (step-)great cousin – stated that Christopher Lee was a source of inspiration for 007.
– The circle was completed when he played the role of contract killer Francisco Scaramanga in “The Man with the Golden Gun” in 1974.
– At the age of 88, he founded the symphonic metal band Charlemagne, which is named after his great ancestor.
– That’s right, Christopher Lee is said to have been a direct descendant of Charlemagne. However, his bloodline also included other blue bloods: his mother was a countess of an Italian noble family, and he is also said to have been (distantly) related to the Borgias.
– Christopher Lee was, – no! IST – Count Dracula. He got the role of his life in 1958. Since then, he has played the role of the gentleman vampire a further eight times.

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