Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.
Photo: Heilemania

We wish Schandmaul bassist Matthias Richter all the best for his 44th birthday!

Did you know?
– His musical career began with flute and piano lessons.

– But it was the bass he started playing at the age of 13 that steered him in the right direction.
– Matthias studied music at a vocational college.
– He has been an integral part of Schandmaul since 2002.
– When he’s not busy with music, Matthias is passionate about cooking.

Experience Schandmaul live?
On 13. and September 14, 2024 at the Folkfield Festival with Versengold, Subway to Sally, Fiddler’s Green, Letzte Instanz and many more.

Do you already have your ticket?

Listen to Schandmaul in our “Medieval Rock/Folk Rock” playlist on Spotify:

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