Happy Birthday NINA HAGEN

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.
Photo: Gabo

The Godmother of Punk Nina Hagen celebrates her 69th birthday today. We wish her all the best!

Did you know?
Nina Hagen actually wanted to become an actress. However, her application for admission to an acting school in the GDR was rejected. Nevertheless, she took on a few smaller roles.
– After a year of vocal training, she sang in various bands, and in 1974 she released the song “Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen” (You forgot the color film), which is still well-known today.
– In 1976, she emigrated to the West, lived in Great Britain for a while, where she came into contact with the punk scene, and then moved to West Germany.
– In the 1970s, Nina Hagen caused a scandal during a television appearance on the program “III nach neun”: she gave vivid instructions on female masturbation.
– Her daughter Cosma Shiva Hagen was born in 1981. The name Cosma came to Nina’s mind when she claims to have seen a UFO on the beach in Malibu during her pregnancy.

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