JANUS – “Vater” (25-year classic)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

CD (Own production/NovaTekk)

The absolute scoop of the month comes from two young gentlemen who call themselves Janus. On “Vater” are psychotic-inspired, approaching madness, calm to desperate songs, which captivate with ingenuity and whose urgency is one of the very great. Musically, it moves on Electro-underpinned paths, which, however, were paved with some foreign and -like instruments and additions. Lyrically, irony and search or decay are the themes. Everything fits together perfectly and is of excellent quality, be it the arrangements as well as the production. The CD’s presentation spoils the eyeball: the cover, the booklet, everything invites you to browse and discover. Sound, song, text and image merge, so that one (which is very rare) holds a total work of art in one’s hands, which one can actually call a perfect unity. The promo CD contains nine tracks, but to which (be curious…) four more will be added… Eyes open!

Thomas Sonder

(The review was first published in the Orkus! issue September 1998)

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