MONO INC.: Humor! Katha Mia answers these special questions

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Katha Mia (Mono Inc.) takes on “Thinking Pause” (“Denkpause”) in our March issue. In doing so, she reflects on her own brand of humor, and how she manages to push her own limits just a little bit at a time.

Katha Mia by VD Pictures
Photo: VD Pictures

For example, these questions are answered:

x When was the last time you really laughed?

x What movie always makes you laugh?

x Are there any albums or songs that always bring a smile to your face? Which?

x How would you describe your sense of humor? Rather black, dry, sarcastic, funny or …?

x Are you the one who makes others laugh or is it rather the other way around?

x Do you have a favorite comedian or humorist? Who is it and why?

x What have you always wanted to do but never dared?

x Is there something you’ve wanted to do for a long time and were recently able to actually make it happen?

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