More story highlights

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Lots of interview stories await you in our new issue, thematically there is certainly something for everyone! Interesting facts about Lord of the Lost, Cruachan, Exfeind, Beborn Beton, Dave Stewart, Day Clinic, Arbeitsgruppe Lobotomie, Delerium, Scheuber, Maerzfeld, Ptolemea, Ner\Ogris, Gorillaz, Nolongerhuman, Alien-Ghost, Malefixio, NFD, Rotersand, Synne Sanden, Twice a Man, Sevends, La Machine, unitcode:machine, Another Tale, Secret Discovery, Universum25, Vlimmer, Wolfenmond, Dekad and many more.

Photo: VD Pictures

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