NATHANAEL: An anthem for you?

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Two very different songs showed Nathanael already with “Nathanael” and “Kompass auf Herzt”. We ask band head Dennis what the “Hymne der Verrückten” is all about: “With the two songs we wanted to present ourselves with a certain range in the scene. The ‘Hymne der Verrückten’ is about this very scene or scenes. We wanted to write a song that unites a black-colored variety of people – be it Metalheads, Goths, Medieval Fans, Punks or others. The song is about the purposeful escape from a normed and trendy society. About leaving everyday worries behind, freeing yourself and having a good and crazy time with like-minded people.”

Check out the clip for “Hymne der Verrückten” here:

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