Orkus! movie tip: “KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK”

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Eight-year-old Peter (Woody Norman; “The Last Voyage of Demeter”) is a shy boy who is teased by his classmates. But Peter has an even more serious problem: in the old wooden house where he lives with his parents in a small US town, he keeps hearing knocking noises coming from the wall of his room. One day, when he takes heart and knocks on the wall himself, he gets a knock in response. – And actually hears a voice …

Deeply rooted in the horror genre, “Knock Knock Knock” proves to be neither old-fashioned nor unimaginative. – On the contrary! Fresh ideas and twists provide surprises time and again. A few bloody scenes bring horror, but the focus here is more on the dark and threatening atmosphere. See for yourself – the film is in theaters today.

You can also find a detailed article about “Knock Knock Knock” in our current May/June issue.

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