Orkus! raffle: “Professor T” (season 2)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Criminology professor Jasper Tempest (Ben Miller) is not a pleasant contemporary at first glance. Tempest is a razor-sharp analyst, yet notorious for his biting comments, idiosyncratic teaching methods, and occasionally brusque demeanor. In addition, he suffers from some quirks that he has halfway under control due to his meticulous organization. In his situation analyses, “Professor T” is usually far ahead of his fellow men, which he also likes to announce – not out of vanity, but because he is simply right… In season 2, he proves to be more perceptive than ever and once again helps the police team in Cambridge with his incorruptible mind to solve tricky crimes.

Sounds exciting? It is! We raffle two DVDs of the second season of “Professor T”! What you have to do for it? Send an email with the subject “Professor T” and your address to verlosung@orkus.de. In the week following 07/28/2023, winners will be selected by randomly clicking on the emails received. Notification of the prize will be sent by e-mail. Organizer of the competition is the Orkus! Magazine. Eligible to participate is everyone except employees of the Orkus! magazine and their relatives. By entering the competition, you agree to our privacy policy, which can be found at www.orkus1.com. The closing date for entries is 28 July 2023.

Check out the trailer here:

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