Book tip: LUCI VAN ORG – “Vagina Dentata”.

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Luci van Org
“Vagina Dentata”
(Edition Roter Drache)

The world turns upside down. Or is it in truth back in balance, because after all the original state was restored: Women have fought for – or rather bitten off – dominion over the world with their toothed sexual organ? Men don’t like to talk about their feelings, so it takes them a while to realize that each of them also suffers from the “vagina dentata” of the goddesses. They decide to abandon their attitude of divine observation and mingle with the people. The mission: equal rights for men and women, because only then the only goddess who is able to solve the curse is ready to do so. Luci von Org takes the various mythologies and religions for a ride with her sarcastic, sparkling writing style. Germanic, Greek Roman, Buddhist etc. Gods are pointedly characterized and the rigid role models of the sexes are ironically mirrored. Read for yourself what the illustrious squad of gods, including Odin Loki and Mars, are up to in Berlin to save the man’s world. And maybe enjoy a bit of the nightlife …

Claudia Zinn-Zinnenburg

By the way, in our September/October issue you will find an interview with Luci van Org!

You can order the September/October issue here:

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