DR. MARK BENECKE: WGT Diary 2022 (16/60) – Wolfsheim? Alphaville? Happy, happy? (1/3)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

At the platform to the black tram line, which is not present this year – it is only colored dark gray this year – we meet Andreas and Janine from Vienna. Mark: “What drives you to the Piefkes?” Andreas: “The WGT, of course. I hang up, she would like to present beautiful outfits.” Mark: “Where are you DJing?” Andreas: “Tonight at Darkflower and on Monday at Moritzbastei, as DJ Stromtod.” Mark: “Do you have a cool co-DJ or are you doing this on your own?” Andreas: “I do it alone. There are others after me, but I do my set, industrial techno and stuff like that.” Mark: “Do you make your own outfits?” Janine: “Everything myself, yes! So not sewing, for God’s sake! But putting it together, make-up, wig and the whole thing.” Mark: “What do you say to Chinese manufacturers?” Janine: “I feel sorry for people who don’t have the budget and can’t buy anything expensive. But you have to think about it: Is it inhumane where it’s produced or not? That’s the most important thing.” Mark: “And qualitatively?” Janine: “Not ideal.” Mark: “Do you have another styling tip? You’re dressed in soft colors today, after all, and many others are dressed in black. Do you have a tip for the next few years?” Janine: “Just do what you want and Goth is so much more than just black. Goth is everything you want to express yourself with. An attitude towards life, and how I wear that outwardly doesn’t always have to be black – may of course! – but doesn’t have to. You’re supposed to do what you enjoy. You only live once.”

When we get off the bus at the agra site, we meet Janine again. “After all, Ines has already reported in detail about the problems that can arise from pantyhose that chafe the skin. Do you also know these problems?” Janine: “In all shapes and varieties.” Mark: “What’s your trick for tights that chafe the skin?” Janine: “Generally speaking: no tights!” (laughs) “But one with pantyhose would be: do not combine painkillers and alcohol please!” (Text & photos: Mark Benecke)

The next part is now about books as a luxury item.

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