DR. MARK BENECKE: WGT Diary 2022 (34/60) – Embrace for money? Nick Cave? Fuck? (3)

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

Behind the scenes: Ronan (VNV Nation – Claudi) hugs everyone. How did this happen? Ronan: “I’m tired of everyone standing within five meters of me. I see a lot of people craving human contact. Human contact is something we’ve depended on for thousands of years. Something very natural. It’s important for our mental health.” Mark: “Would you like to bring people from the audience to the stage to touch them?” Ronan: “I’m not Morrissey!” Mark (laughing): “Or Nick Cave.” Ronan: “He did that!?” Mark: “Yes!” Ronan: “Morrissey sold tickets for hugs!” Mark: “The hugs from Nick Cave were complimentary.” Ronan: “A hug should be spontaneous and mean something cuddling is much more meaningful than sex. You have to feel comfortable with the person.”

The evening descends over the sutler hall of the agra. At the stand of the excellent publishing house Edition Roter Drache we meet Maja. Mark: “You too are aware of the pantyhose problem (chafed feet – M.B.), but you have solved it for yourself.” Maja: “Yes, I just cut off the feet! … so the tights!” Mark: “Don’t they slide up then?” Maja: “No, they roll in towards the bottom and that looks fashionable again.” Mark: “Why didn’t anyone think of that before?” Ines: “That’s what I was thinking, but I wasn’t sure it wouldn’t unravel.”

The next part is about classifieds, Miss Plastique and neck hair.

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Missed the beginning? No problem, here it is.