NACHTFALTER: Danceable melancholy?

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.

The last single from the new Nachtfalter album “Abschied”, which will be released on March 01, 2024, is entitled “Und der Falter tanzt”. It captivates with its enticing synth tones, which give us a nostalgic eighties feeling. “In my opinion, this is the most positive song I’ve ever made,” explains mastermind Tobias Serfling. Our connection with the eighties has nothing to do with the creation process, but “if it evokes such an association, that’s not necessarily the worst thing,” Tobias explains.

How do you like “Und der Falter tanzt”? What images does the piece create in your mind?

In unserer März/April-Ausgabe findest du auch ein Interview mit Nachtfalter sowie eine ausführliche Rezension von „Abschied“.

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