Orkus! raffle: Win 3 x 2 movie tickets for “Knock Knock Knock”!

Automatic translation. Improvements are constantly being worked on.
Knock Knock Knock

Eight-year-old Peter (Woody Norman; “The Last Voyage of Demeter”) is a shy boy who is teased by his classmates. But Peter has an even more serious problem: in the old wooden house where he lives with his parents in a small US town, he keeps hearing knocking noises coming from the wall of his room. One day, when he takes heart and knocks on the wall himself, he gets a knock in response. – And actually hears a voice …

Deeply rooted in the horror genre, “Knock Knock Knock” proves to be neither old-fashioned nor unimaginative. – On the contrary! Fresh ideas and twists provide surprises time and again. A few bloody scenes bring horror, but the focus here is more on the dark and threatening atmosphere. See for yourself and win 3 x 2 movie tickets (within Germany!). Cinema release is May 1, 2024.

Watch the trailer here:

If you want to get a good scare at the movies, just send an e-mail with the subject “Knock” to verlosung@orkus.de. The closing date for entries is 26.04.2024. In the week following 26.04.2024, the winners will be selected by randomly clicking on the emails received. The winner will be notified by e-mail. The organizer of the competition is Orkus! Magazine. Everyone except Orkus employees is eligible to participate! magazine and their relatives. By entering the competition, you agree to our privacy policy, which can be found at www.orkus1.com. Good luck!

You can find a detailed review of “Knock Knock Knock” in the May/June issue.

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